Someone decided to redecorate our front yard while we were away last week.
Lovely, isn't it?
Clearly, someone knew that we were looking to make some changes to our front yard. They just wanted us to know our options, I guess.
One thing I can say about it: It's original. No one else in town would have the same front yard decorations.
Well, that's not entirely true. In the course of the week, I think about 20 people in town had the exact same decorations, thanks to a senior high missions fundraiser.
Our friends "purchased" this beautiful ensemble for us. (You'd think poor college students would have more pressing ways to spend their money.)
We were very tempted to take one of these toilets and install it downstairs. They were a lot nicer than ours!
It kind of looks like Owen is trying to decide if he can drop his pants and use it, doesn't it?
LOVE the photo with Owen checking it out!