This isn't a baking blog or a ministry blog (but I'll talk about those), and it's not a gardening blog (goodness, no). This is just a blog about anything, and maybe everything, that I'm thinking about right now.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I Think I Got Worked

Owen was running across the dining room this morning, hoping to get his shoes on before the timer "dinged." (The timer is how I keep the kids moving in the morning.)  Suddenly he let out a high-pitched scream.  Apparently, he stubbed his toe on a metal rail, and it was a doozy.  Even after 20 minutes, we couldn't get the kid to walk on it.  He had either been truly hurt or would spend the day "milking" this injury rather like a drama queen, but either way he'd be useless at school.  So finally we decided to let him stay home, at least until he can walk.

Here's the offended toe.

See the swollen pinkie?  No?  Oh.  Well, I sort of can.

So the lucky booger has a the day off of school.  The best thing I can say is that he's using it well.

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